Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Toyota Way


The "Toyota Production System" (TPS) is a Lean approach to manufacturing, pioneered by Taiichi Ohno, that focuses on eliminating waste to make the process of producing a car more efficient. The principles employed by TPS can be applied to many industries, software development being a prime example.

The Principles

The ability to stop production lines.

What is needed, when it is needed.

The concept of continuous improvement.

Non-value added. Muda is translated as waste.

There are many other principles, defined here.


Saturday, August 12, 2006

Google Gets Today's Internet

Google Get the Internet

Google are delivering on the promise of the modern internet, and it illustrates to everyone else what we are striving to achieve. Google Personalized Home gives you a personalized page full of widgets/gadgets/modules that you can drag and drop. These include RSS feeds, Gmail inbox summary and other mini web apps. You can easily write your own and plug them in. Gmail is a very good email provider, and is accessible via the web and over POP.

Mobile Web

You can use all these features on your mobile phone too. And this isn't like the false dawn of WAP - it really does work. The mobile version of Google personalized Home is easy to set up and use, as is Gmail, and they both work on basic XHTML browsers.

The Rest

Google Earth is amazing, and is a great example of a smart client, using their form of Ajax to give a seamless experience on your desktop whilst asynchronously using web services behind the scenes. Google Maps is a great example of a Rich Internet Application (RIA) making the user experience far more intuitive and effortless. In addition, the site that I'm using for this blog, Blogger is a very good example of an XHTML site.

This is Not an Advert

This may sound like an advert for Google, but I promise you it isn't. Its just that Google obviously get what opportunities the modern internet offers, and they are really delivering on that. Not many people seem to have this understanding, and I spend a lot of my time trying to explain why I'm so focussed on standards complient XHTML with CSS, and on a SOA. Its also why I don't want to fix the bug in the website which is actually a bug in Internet Explorer's standards support. If you just try and build a site that works on all versions of Internet Explorer, you are missing the point. That was the 90's. Please, get with the program - see what you're missing out on.